icarus image

icarus image
We are the same as plants, as trees,
as other people, as the rain that falls.
We consist of that which is around us;
we are the same as everything.
- Buddha

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

in the closet... THE FAKE IMAGE

are we in the 21st century?

i feel as though we are living in the 1600's or that i should be living in an other galaxy or future period... perhaps, the 25th century. my friend yelled at me for inviting him to my blog! yeah, i'm serious! can you believe it? i had a feeling this would happen... so i'm going to tell you why...

he needs a job and he doesn't want anyone to find out that he has been diagnosed with a certain 'disorder'! (by the way, that's what he calls it...) yes, he's IN THE CLOSET about it, as are thousands of people, maybe even millions of people world-wide, who are afraid to loose their jobs, their relationships, their 'positions' in society, their 'roles' in the community... so he, like all the rest, creates an IMAGE that he wants the outside world to perceive him as. how sad is that?

is it not a HUMAN RIGHT to be depressed because you broke up with a person you loved so dearly or because your mother was murdered last night? please comment below!!! can anyone tell you how you are feeling at those moments? is it not your HUMAN RIGHT to say, "I'm not well. I feel very sad and I cannot come to work because I'm depressed."? this applies to all psychological conditions, yet since the health insurance companies refuse to cover any expenses of this sort and refuse to cover the consumers, people avoid saying these truths because they are afraid of the consequences. this is the result when health insurance companies are run by lobbies who care more about their pockets than whether their neighbor dies. thus, DISCRIMINATION continues in the 'richest' country of the western world. and guess what? depression, as well as other 'mad' gifts are not 'DIS-ORDERS'!! they are NORMAL! and so are the other 1000s of DSM 'dis-orders' the 'know-it-all docs of the psyche' decided to label in their manual (DSM) to give themselves a higher paycheck. did you know that the label 'homosexual' was once in the DSM as a 'disorder'? yes, it was! imagine... how time changes books and thoughts... of medicine! it is normal to be 'mad', as normal as it is to be a 'homosexual' or a 'african-american' or a 'woman' or having 'blond' hair or a 'big' nose! it is just an other difference among us. why must we be all the same? aren't the differences the beauties that make this world wonderful?

what would the world be like without Newton, Lord Byron, Hemingway, Van Gogh, or Tchaikovsky? can you imagine movies without Robin Williams, Nicole Kidman, or Robert Downey Jr., T.V. without Roseanne Arnold, songs without Sting or Axl Rose? so many of these incredible people are discriminated against society. isn't time for a change? as women's rights needed to be changed by the feminist movement, african-american rights needed to be changed by the black movement, and homosexual rights needed to changed by the gay movement, so do HEALTH CARE RIGHTS need to be adjusted to accommodate all people without discriminating on what/who/when/where. it's a shame that people are AFRAID to talk and interact in peer groups, in social events, among their colleagues, etc. because they are fearful of loosing their job, or their fake IMAGE!!

think about it... is that what you live for? your FAKE IMAGE?