icarus image

icarus image
We are the same as plants, as trees,
as other people, as the rain that falls.
We consist of that which is around us;
we are the same as everything.
- Buddha

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

'imbalance' does not equal 'insane'!

People do not belong in grids and boxes of rootless lonely monocultures. Humans are adaptable creatures, and while a lot of people learn to adapt, some of us can’t handle the modern world no matter how many psych drugs or years of school or behavior modification programs we’ve been put through. Any realistic model of mental health has to begin by accepting that there is no standard model for a mind and that none of us are single units designed for convenience and efficiency. No matter how alienated you are by the world around you, no matter how out of step or depressed and discon­nected you might feel: you are not alone. Your life is supported by the lives of countless other beings, from the microbes in your eyelashes to the men who paved your street. The world is so much more complicated and beautiful than it appears on the surface.

Many of us out here feel the world with thin skin and heavy hearts, who get called 'crazy' because we’re too full of fire and pain, who knows that other worlds exist and aren’t comfortable in this version of reality. We’ve been busting up out of sidewalks and blooming all kind of misfit flowers for as long as people have been walking on this Earth. So many of us have access to secret layers of consciousness — you could think of us like dandelion roots that gather minerals from hidden layers of the soil that other plants don’t reach.

Some of us...if we’re lucky, share them with everyone on the surface – because we feel things stronger than the other people around us. We have visions about how things could be different, why they need to be different, and it’s painful to keep them silent. Sometimes we get called sick and sometimes we get called sacred, but no matter how they name us we are a vital part of making this planet whole.

The time has come to connect our underground roots and tell our buried stories, grow up strong and scatter our visions all over the patches of scarred and damaged soil in a society that is so desperately in need of change.

This change begins with the LANGUAGE we use in our every day lives! Yes, indeed it does. Instead of saying, "I'm down and depressed" try saying, "I feel I am down but I will do my best to be happy today." Try one word a day. Then try two. "I'm not 'bipolar', as they say, I just have an imbalance I have to balance out." Viola! Everyone has imbalances... whatever 'diagnoses' or 'disorders' they have brainwashed you to believe you have, are just imbalances (biological, psychological, social imbalances - holistic body approach). Your job, along with your trusted friend or alternative doctor, would be to pinpoint all your imbalances (in your whole body) and start from there. Because life throws us curve balls all the time! And it's easy to get out of kilter. All we have to do is find the balance and it may take time.

Yes, we do get out of balance when a love leaves us or when a marriage ends. We do get out of balance when we lose our loved ones or a job we've had for over 20 years! This is life! This is not a 'disorder'. This is the tough shit that happens... and for some sensitive souls it's too much to handle. We need time to grieve. Perhaps, we need a lifestyle change. We need to re-balance ourselves and take another look at what is really going on in this insane world... because after all, we are the same beings that we were born to be... it is the world around us that is changing...and getting more insane each day.